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Employee Spotlight

Employee Spotlight: Talha Sheikh

November 2, 2023

Talha Sheikh, a director at ScottMadden, joined the firm in 2015 after receiving an M.B.A. in marketing and business analytics from the University of South Carolina. Talha works in the firm’s Rates and Regulation practice area and is heavily involved in the Rates and Regulation CoP. He also holds a B.B.A. in marketing and financial analysis from the Institute of Business Administration, Karachi.

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Employee Spotlight: Matthew Haggart

August 31, 2023

Matthew Haggart is a manager with ScottMadden. Prior to joining the firm in January 2023, Matthew served for more than ten years as a Green Beret in the Army’s Special Forces. He holds an MBA, with a focus in finance and strategy, from the University of Georgia’s Terry School of Business. Outside of work, Matthew has a family of five and serves as a board member for the Special Forces Foundation and the Creek and Timber Legacy Foundation, both of which provide aid to the veteran community and children in need while advocating for mental and physical health resources.

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Employee Spotlight: Jenny Denver

May 5, 2023

Jenny Denver

Jenny Denver, manager, joined ScottMadden in 2022 and works within the firm’s corporate and shared services practice. With 20 years of experience dedicated to the study of human behavior and well-being, she specializes in talent and change management. She holds a master’s in research and experimental psychology from the University of Tennessee Chattanooga in addition to a master’s in social work and a Ph.D. in cognitive and developmental psychology, both from Louisiana State University.

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Employee Spotlight: Ryan Arrieta

November 3, 2022

Ryan Arrieta

Ryan Arrieta, a director within ScottMadden’s energy practice, is a boomerang employee. He initially joined the firm in 2012, predominantly serving energy clients within corporate and shared services. Ryan then stepped away to serve as vice president of strategic and corporate planning at Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority for four years. Today, he is an active member and leader of the transmission and distribution community of practice, and he is also involved in our recruiting efforts, attending the National Black M.B.A. Conference each year. Ryan holds a B.S. and M.S. in civil engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and an M.B.A. from the University of North Carolina.

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Employee Spotlight: Moliehi Mokoroane

September 2, 2022

Moliehi Mokoroane

Moliehi Mokoroane, a senior analyst in the Atlanta office, joined ScottMadden in 2018. Since then, she has primarily served energy clients within the corporate and shared services space. Holding a degree in industrial engineering from Kennesaw State University, Moliehi specializes in supply chain and warehousing and is an active member of ScottMadden’s supply chain community of practice. She is also a member of the diversity & inclusion committee, assisting with and participating in many of our D&I recruitment events.

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Employee Spotlight: Kathy Betty

June 30, 2022

Kathy Betty

In celebration of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, ScottMadden is honored to feature Kathy Betty—ScottMadden’s first female partner and first female board member. Learn more about Kathy’s trailblazing ways below!

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Employee Spotlight: Michelle Jordan

November 4, 2021

Michelle Jordan joined ScottMadden in 2019 as an executive assistant in the Westborough office. Michelle works closely with partners Andy Flores, and Tim Lyons, providing administrative and project support to ScottMadden’s rates & regulation practice. She also supports the energy markets community of practice (CoP) and is an active member of the rates & regulation CoP. Prior to joining ScottMadden, Michelle held positions in sales and marketing within biotechnology, consulting, and publishing.

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Employee Spotlight: George Penton

July 1, 2021

George Penton joined ScottMadden as a director in 2014. With nearly 20 years of prior experience in finance, accounting, and accounting technology, he brings incredible knowledge and expertise to the firm’s corporate & shared services practice. These experiences include shared services design, implementation, and management, post-merger integration, and technology implementation. George holds a B.A. in accounting from Barry University and an M.B.A. from Nova Southeastern University.

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Employee Spotlight: ScottMadden’s Powerhouse Women

May 6, 2021

Employee Spotlight March 2021

For Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, ScottMadden is celebrating its powerhouse women through this employee spotlight series! Learn more about the impressive achievements and inspiring stories of Molly Donofrio and Farzeen Tejani.

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Employee Spotlight: Jon Luk

March 4, 2021

Jon Luk, a director within ScottMadden’s corporate & shared services practice, joined the firm as an M.B.A. summer intern in 2014. He then returned in 2015 as a full-time associate. Over his six-year tenure, Jon has designed and implemented various shared services organizations and supporting technologies. Today, he leads the service delivery model and HR technologies pillar for the human capital management CoP. Jon holds a B.A. in mathematics and economics from Emory University and an M.B.A. from Emory University’s Goizueta Business School.

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Employee Spotlight – Veterans

March 4, 2021

This Veterans Day, ScottMadden is honored to recognize 18 of our employees who have served, or continue to serve, within the branches of the United States military. Not only do each of our Veterans bring undeniable skill and expertise to our firm, but they also bring discipline and integrity. From their time in service, they understand the dynamics of leadership and teamwork and demonstrate accountability and efficiency in all that they do.

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Sussex Economic Advisors is now part of ScottMadden. We invite you to learn more about our expanded firm. Please use the Contact Us form to request additional information.