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Resource planning is paramount to a utility’s success. It allows your company to identify and procure the correct mix of resources in order to meet the forecasted energy demand and to ensure reliable service in a cost-effective way. It also provides you the opportunity to evaluate existing operations and make necessary changes for the future.

Due to changing technology, regulatory environments, and customer demands, utilities are being forced to seek new and different energy resources. Additionally, many states are holding utilities accountable to prove compliance with aggressive mandates for carbon goals and renewables. A new approach to resource planning is needed to achieve these goals and to ensure a high-quality and cost-effective service for your customers.

Current resource planning practices must consider a number of difficult-to-predict variables: resource cost, operating characteristics, technology availability, resource availability, existing and projected demand profiles, and local and regional politics. Furthermore, volatile economic conditions make choosing one technology over another a large investment risk. The complex changes in markets, regulations, and technology have upended the traditional assumptions about resource planning. Resource planning decisions for your utility require new perspectives informed by the latest developments and market conditions.

At ScottMadden, we are experts in the energy industry and are experienced in advising utility companies across North America in resource planning. Our expertise in resource planning processes and assessing demand requirements coupled with our understanding of larger industry and market issues allows us to help your company in its decision-making process.

Resource Planning Services

We offer comprehensive services designed to provide you with an individually tailored solution to resource planning. Our services include:

  • Educating you on energy trends, opportunities, and technologies
  • Analyzing pipeline capacity for market participants and providing expert witness testimony to support pipeline capacity decisions
  • Reviewing current resource strategy and decisions while considering market conditions and future readiness with recommendations for corrective action
  • Reviewing your current and future plans and providing feedback on ways those plans may be improved
  • Assisting with implementing a one-time or repeatable collaborative resource planning process
  • Helping educate your board about various new technologies and the role that they will play in your utility in the future



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