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Process Improvement Consulting

Broken processes can cost time and money, but locating the problem is often not an easy task. With process improvement consulting, ScottMadden helps identify performance issues in existing business processes. We analyze business performance and work to provide you with a clear path to positive business transformation. From eliminating waste in supply chain management to improving the customer experience and satisfaction, we help you optimize for continual business process improvement and higher efficiency.  

Taking a fresh look at what you do, and how you do it, is a wise move for any organization. Given the slow growth, shrinking margins, technology changes, and tighter competition many industries are seeing today, reviewing and improving your core business is more important than ever before.

Understanding the Capabilities of Your Process

Optimizing your business processes to achieve maximum efficiency and excellence is a long journey. Depending on the maturity level of your processes and how focused your organization is on maintaining them, it could take years. Do you know where your company stands?

ScottMadden has extensive experience in the area of process design and improvement—with knowledge of a variety of process improvement methodologies that we have applied across many industries. We pair that experience with our deep functional expertise to help you identify improvements that will work for your organization. We also train, coach, and consult on continuous improvement and process improvement. Our experts can help you develop plans for improving processes, implementing methodologies, such as LEAN Six Sigma, and bolstering your continuous process improvement efforts.

  • Understand what improvements you can make to various goal stages: short, medium, and long-term
  • Find out where the gaps are in your process management and how to fill them in
  • Learn the steps you need to take between where you are now and your business goals
  • Use process mapping to see how team members can reduce waste in their respective departments


Corporate & Shared Services

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