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Management Model/Playbook

ScottMadden helps energy clients develop a management model or Playbook to operate their plants better. We assist with establishing strong-form corporate functional oversight and clarifying accountabilities. We can also help with launching standards for organization, staffing, a hierarchy of procedures, tiered indicators, regular management meetings, business plans, functional area ownership, and improvement plans.

Our team of experts draws on a range of experience with fleet operating models to execute these types of projects. We have helped clients who have acquired a new plant bring that plant into a fleet and increase reliability, increase operating life, and maximize output, along with clients who have operated their fleet for years.

A Management Model for Flawless Execution

The Playbook is the go-to guide for managers looking to devise a management model for their company. To offer an exhaustive range of approaches, programs and actions for utilities and energy companies to execute under different situations. The Playbook is an invaluable resource for corporate management to identify all options in order of importance, manage resources effectively, and execute plans flawlessly.

ScottMadden Consultants to Develop your Playbook

Any business management model is only as good as its ability to adapt to the changing landscape of the energy marketplace in a constant state of flux. Companies and utilities must be able to adapt and overcome the difficulties of scenarios to stay ahead of the competition. ScottMadden consultants can help create your Playbook, an essential guide that provides a comprehensive overview of different management approaches and programs that corporations and utilities can execute in response to various situations. With our help, your Playbook will cover a wide spectrum of scenarios, from sourcing external resources to devising strategies to help stay one step ahead. Whether facing unforeseen challenges or looking at a new opportunity, your Playbook is instrumental in devising a winning plan.



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