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ScottMadden recently joined the Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) to lead a group of approximately 30 U.S. energy industry executives to the bellwether energy market of Germany to exchange information with electricity and solar market leaders who are adapting to change in this dynamic and controversial environment. This select group of executives met with energy industry peers with the goal of returning with insights and practical knowledge that can be applied to planning and business decisions in the United States. The trip featured face-to-face meetings with thought leaders and decision makers from the electric utility, transmission, and renewable energy industries; government, trade, and industry associations; and market experts.

During the Transmission Executive Forum West, Chris Vlahoplus, partner and clean tech & sustainability practice leader at ScottMadden, presented the case study, “How Renewables and Distributed Resource Penetration Impacted Transmission in Germany.” This presentation, based on the recent fact-finding mission trip, focused on Germany and explored how grid operations have changed and how transmission flows and utility revenues have been affected.

The report below provides an overview of German energy transformation, highlights the status of renewable generation penetration, and discusses the impact on transmission investment and reliability.

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