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Here Comes the Sun and I Say…It’s Alright

We are pleased to announce our Winter 2013-2014 issue of THE SCOTTMADDEN ENERGY INDUSTRY UPDATE. This semi-annual publication features our view of recent significant events and emerging trends in the energy industry.

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A long-term decline in electricity consumption growth, advances in energy efficiency, monitoring, and control technologies, and the surprisingly rapid growth in rooftop solar and other renewable generation are challenging the traditional volume-based utility revenue model. Utilities, regulators, and other players in the power ecosystem are discussing the implications of this changing industry environment and the evolution of the utility business model. Highlights include:

View from the Executive Suite (click here)

Utility Mergers and Acquisitions – Key Drivers Are In Place…Are the Opportunities?

Utility consolidation has been progressing, but the outlook is mixed as potential suitors consider both supporting and impeding factors, including valuations, regulatory implications, and capital access.


Energy Supply, Demand, and Markets (click here)

Out of Time? NERC’s Latest Reliability Assessment

Some regions like Texas and the Midwest face tight reserve margins in the next several years. With coal plant retirements, and new gas-fired plants and intermittent renewable resources coming on line, planners and system operators have their work cut out for them.


Managing the Energy and Utility Enterprise (click here)

Utility Companies Develop Different Approaches to Changing Environment as Distributed Generation Penetration Increases

Many utilities are beginning to take strategic actions as penetration of distributed generation, especially solar PV, increases. Options may involve adjustments, sometimes significant, in the utility’s business model.


Rates, Regulation, and Policy (click here)

Net Metering, Distributed Resources, and Utility Rates: Seeking a Balance

As distributed resources, particularly solar PV, grow in number of installations and aggregate scale, electric utilities and PUCs are revisiting various approaches to charging and compensating net-metered customers with distributed generation.


We hope you will find THE SCOTTMADDEN ENERGY INDUSTRY UPDATE to be a useful and informative resource. If you would like to discuss our observations in greater detail or have us present them or our views on other industry or management issues to your executive team, please contact us. View our Energy Practice area.

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