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Winter Storm Elliott: Grid on the Edge

Winter Storm Elliott & The Grid

Energy utilities are all too familiar with the impacts of extreme weather conditions on power lines and electrical grids. Whether it’s sub-zero temperatures freezing equipment, snowfall causing local disruptions, or a spike in energy demand due to icy winter conditions – managing electricity grid reliability is becoming increasingly difficult for those responsible. Several problems are related to power outages and disruptions in extreme weather conditions. For example, sub-zero temperatures can freeze equipment or cause fuel shortages. Severe winter storms can cause power plants to shut down, creating local disruptions due to heavy snowfall or ice buildup on power lines. An additional factor is the spike in demand for electricity caused by the need to heat homes and offices. This impulsive demand may overload the electric grid’s capability to produce electricity.

In this infographic, we explore the problems energy utilities faced resulting from Winter Storm Eliott: how this powerful winter storm created an unexpectedly high electricity demand, pushing the electrical grid to the limit. The failure to generate the required electricity caused many utilities to go into emergency operations. We mapped the impacted markets to identify their energy and capacity. Our analysis shows how cold weather in winter storms can stress the grid with growing electrification and a changing resource mix.

Winter Storm Elliott: Grid on the Edge
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