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ScottMadden Focuses on the Future: Succession Planning and Upcoming Changes to Practice Area Leaders

December 13, 2022

2 New ScottMadden Leaders

In its nearly 40 years of business, ScottMadden has worked to ensure that its consultants and staff are supported as completely as their clients and their community. Part of that support is having practice area leaders that understand the core business and the industries of focus for ScottMadden. Another key to success is succession planning and identifying skills and competencies required for next-generation leaders in key positions.

“Our goal and focus from the board level down over the last five years or so has been to continue to build out our infrastructure to better support growth,” said President and CEO Brad Kitchens. “Succession planning is about everyone at ScottMadden—it not only mitigates risks in a time of rapid change, but it also builds a pool of exceptional future leaders who are ready to fill key roles within our firm.”

Starting on January 1, 2023, longtime consultant and corporate & shared services practice leader, Scott Manning will step down in preparation for his retirement at the end of March. Manning has served the firm and the practice area well but hears the hills of his local golf club calling.

The new leader of the corporate & shared services practice will be Jerred Crosby. Crosby has led client initiatives in ScottMadden’s corporate & shared services and energy practices since joining the firm in 2003.

Taking over ScottMadden’s internal corporate functions is Courtney Jackson, who has also been with ScottMadden since 2003. Jackson will continue leading client engagements in addition to her leadership of these core support functions.

Andy Flores, the previous leader of the firm’s corporate functions, will be stepping into a new role, leading teams to develop specialized services that augment the firm’s traditional consulting capabilities to help clients overcome their strategic challenges.

Cristin Lyons will remain ScottMadden’s energy practice leader.

For more information about our practice areas and services, please contact us.

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