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ScottMadden Offsets 100 Percent of Carbon Emissions from 2021 Operations

August 18, 2022

ScottMadden has engaged with Climate Impact Partners, a specialist in carbon market solutions for climate action, to achieve carbon neutrality by providing financial support to a renewable energy project.

ScottMadden purchased a total of 429 metric tons of CO2e to meet its goal of achieving carbon neutrality for our 2021 operations. Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) is a standard unit for counting greenhouse gas emissions regardless of whether it is from carbon dioxide or another gas. Renewable energy projects like the one we have supported reduce emissions by displacing fossil fuel usage.

“We understand the importance of reducing or mitigating carbon emissions and recognize that our business operations create a carbon footprint, particularly from business travel, that we have a responsibility to address. We are committed to meeting our annual carbon-neutral goal and making strides in sustainability as a company and for our clients. I am proud of our commitment thus far and look forward to our ongoing role in achieving a cleaner energy future,” said Brad Kitchens, President and CEO at ScottMadden.

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