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Riding the Wave of Fleet Electrification

August 13, 2022

Transportation electrification is here. The realization is that not only passenger vehicles are contributing to the global supply chain crunch, rampant inflation, and growing concerns about materials sourcing for electric vehicle batteries, but electrification of fleets is also adding pressure and will likely impact utilities more than privately owned passenger vehicles.

Utilities serving fleets will need to prepare for the impact fleet electrification will have on them. With the wave of electrification approaching, utilities working with fleets must navigate reacting to new loads and managing increased demands.

Learn more in our article—Electrifying fleet customers – How utilities can capitalize on the coming fleet electrification wave (before it’s too late)authored by Buck Hagood, director and Kevin Hernandez, partner about what utilities need to do to prepare and how fleet advisory services can help mitigate the impact of fleet electrification and create a partnership with this new and critical customer class.

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