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Podcast: Preparing Utilities for the EV Revolution

The growth of electric vehicles is creating an opportunity for forward-thinking utilities to leverage their size and scale and deploy charging infrastructure to support load growth, extend customer engagement, and grow the market. Check out this recent episode of the Energy Central Power Perspectives podcast to hear ScottMadden Partner and Grid Edge Lead, Kevin Hernandez, speak more about these opportunities.

Energy Central Power Perspectives™ Podcast · Special Edition- Preparing Utilities for the EV Revolution with Kevin Hernandez of ScottMadden
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Top Considerations for Leaders When Electrifying Utility Fleets

As owners and operators of vehicle fleets as well as providers of electricity, utilities have a unique opportunity to take advantage of fleet electrification. Through their own electrification efforts, utilities can serve as industry leaders providing an example for others to follow. In addition, by drawing on the experience and lessons learned from electrifying their own fleets, utilities can effectively advise their customers and serve as a partner in their electrification efforts.

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