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A Message from Our CEO:

At the time of this letter, the world is experiencing unprecedented events with the COVID-19 pandemic and widespread denouncement of racial injustice. Among its many profound impacts, this changing landscape has challenged many organizations to examine or think critically about their operational sustainability and the equity of their workplace practices. We are no exception. Publishing our first Corporate Responsibility Report is an important step for ScottMadden as we seek to lead on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues.

In 2019, we completed our first materiality assessment, in which we gathered input and feedback from many of our key stakeholder groups, including our employees, clients, and the schools from which we recruit. The results of this assessment have informed and will continue to inform our firm’s strategy. In addition, we recently created an ESG Steering Committee made up of leaders and staff from throughout the firm. The Committee provides formal governance while overseeing and driving the implementation of our ESG strategy and activities.

As this report will show, our sustainability approach can be characterized as:

  • Stakeholder-centric — focus and impact
  • Employee-led — part of our firm’s DNA
  • Data-driven — approach and decision making

Our focus on sustainability began in 2004 when we added Clean Tech & Sustainability as a dedicated practice area for our consulting services. As the firm’s focus matured, we began to critically examine our own sustainability initiatives and impacts. Through years of data collection, analysis, and a drive to improve, the firm has implemented numerous initiatives, ranging from carbon footprint analysis to composting and total office redesigns. In addition, spurred by our heavy travel model, we implemented an internal carbon offset program in 2017 and soon after committed to offsetting 100% of our emissions from annual operations.

However, to us sustainability means much more than just environmental impact. It is also about our people and the quality of our relationships and is grounded in our core values of respect, trust, service, and accountability. In this report, you will see examples of our efforts to improve the lives of our employees and those surrounding them, including improved family benefits, health and wellness programs, robust learning and flexible training curricula, and active philanthropy throughout our communities.

At present, our industry and the economy are facing disruptions in a myriad of ways. Our priority is, of course, to ensure the health and welfare of our people and clients. To that end, we are adapting our practices to provide our people the flexibility they need, while simultaneously delivering the tremendous support our clients expect. Furthermore, as recent events highlight the country’s broader need for inclusivity, our company continues to move the needle on our diversity and inclusion initiatives. Ensuring inclusive, equitable, and respectful treatment for everyone is absolutely central to who we are, and it is core to our values.

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Sussex Economic Advisors is now part of ScottMadden. We invite you to learn more about our expanded firm. Please use the Contact Us form to request additional information.