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ScottMadden Meets Carbon Neutral Goal for 2018 Emissions

January 28, 2020

ScottMadden, Inc., one of North America’s leading management consulting firms specializing in energy, has reached carbon neutrality through offsetting 100% of carbon emissions from our 2018 calendar year operations. This was made possible by a strong company and employee commitment to take responsibility for and measure our carbon footprint.

A third-party auditor, Lucideon, verified our Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions and confirmed that our emissions accounting met the requirements of the World Resources Institute’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol, an industry leading standard for emissions accounting. ScottMadden also partnered with Natural Capital Partners, a leading offsets retailer committed to the highest quality of assurance, to deliver verified emissions offsets by supporting renewable energy projects around the world. These projects included solar access for low-income households and utility-scale wind power in India and off-grid solar projects in East Africa.

We recognize that due to the client-centered nature of our business travel emissions will continue to constitute a large portion of our carbon footprint. As a firm, we are working to reduce overall emissions through thoughtful travel decisions, energy efficiency, and waste diversion efforts. While emissions reduction remains our primary goal, we will continue to offset our unavoidable emissions and strive for carbon neutrality each year going forward using the methodology approved by Lucideon.

“Driving positive change is at the core of ScottMadden’s business, from the work that we do with our clients to the impact that our employees have in their communities. We look forward to continuing to share our progress and insights as we work toward sustainability, both internally and in service of our clients,” said Brad Kitchens, president and CEO of ScottMadden.

About ScottMadden’s Energy Practice

We know energy from the ground up. Since 1983, we have served as energy consultants for hundreds of utilities, large and small, including all of the top 20. We focus on Transmission & Distribution, the Grid Edge, Generation, Energy Markets, Rates & Regulation, Enterprise Sustainability, and Corporate Services. Our broad, deep utility expertise is not theoretical—it is experience based. We have helped our clients develop and implement strategies, improve critical operations, reorganize departments and entire companies, and implement myriad initiatives.

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