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Atlanta Passes Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Policy

In November 2017, the Atlanta City Council unanimously passed ordinance 17-0-1654 in an effort to increase electric vehicle (EV) readiness and adoption. The ordinance implements construction policies that make new commercial and residential properties more supportive of EV adoption.

Key Details

  • The ordinance focuses on increased EV readiness (e.g., conduit, wiring, and electrical capacity) for new commercial and residential construction
    • Commercial requirement: 20% of spaces in new commercial and multi-family parking structures must be EV ready
    • Residential requirement: all new residential construction must be EV ready
  • In addition to increased EV readiness, a penalty was created for drivers of traditional vehicles who park in an “EV-only” space
    • Violation results in a minimum $35 citation up to being booted or towed
  • The city of Atlanta has been committed to converting their fleet to alternative fuel vehicles and providing public charging infrastructure across the city


As an emerging technology, EV adoption can be slowed by the lack of charging infrastructure at commercial and residential locations. Policies that reduce costs and expand charging infrastructure have the potential to boost EV awareness and adoption.

More Information:

Atlanta Journal Constitution: Atlanta passes “EV Ready” ordinance into law

Utility Dive: Atlanta passes infrastructure ordinance to support EV charging

City of Atlanta: Ordinance No. 2017-76 (17-0-1654)

This report is part of the Clean Tech & Sustainability Minute series. To view all featured Minutes, please click here.

Additional Contributing Authors: David Mendez

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Contributing Authors

Paul Quinlan Clean Tech Manager

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