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ScottMadden Reviews Industry Trends for Rate Design

October 4, 2017

ScottMadden, Inc., one of North America’s leading energy consulting firms, recently joined industry leaders as a presenter and sponsor for the EUCI Rate Design Conference. The conference provided an opportunity for industry leaders to discuss state-of-the-art perspectives and best practices in innovative pricing and the valuation of distributed resources operating in a modernized grid. The event also explored how some utilities are trying to improve cost recovery by addressing regulatory lag.

Rick Starkweather, partner at ScottMadden, joined forces with Dan Hansen, vice president of Christensen Associates Energy Consulting, to co-chair the event. “The conference this year attracted a broad spectrum of utility and commission representatives from across the United States and Canada,” said Mr. Starkweather. “As a result, it was particularly interesting to hear about their different perspectives and challenges associated with residential and commercial rate design.”

Additionally, Chris Sturgill, senior associate at ScottMadden, shared an update on New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV). The penetration of distributed energy resources is transforming the electric power sector, with different jurisdictions taking different approaches as they examine possible changes to the traditional regulatory compact. New York’s REV initiative, kicked off in 2015, has been actively spurring clean energy innovation, bringing new investments into the state, and improving consumer choice and affordability. The focus of REV is shifting from frameworks to implementation, with effects on rate design and the utility business model.

“It was a great opportunity to review some of the specific REV elements, like demonstration projects and non-wires alternatives, and contrast them with other grid modernization and rate design initiatives in Maryland, Washington, D.C., Arizona, Colorado, and various municipal and cooperative power utilities. As these groups proceed, it will be interesting to track the value that is unlocked for customers and the impact to their electric rates,” explained Mr. Sturgill.

About ScottMadden’s Rates, Regulation, & Planning Practice

ScottMadden’s Rates, Regulation, & Planning practice assists clients in all aspects of rate development, regulatory policy and strategy, rate case preparation and management, market and risk assessment, resource planning, and demand forecasting. With deep understanding of rate, market, and regulatory issues, together with ScottMadden’s long-standing expertise in utility operations, business process design, and complex financial analysis, the Rates, Regulation, & Planning Practice provides clients with a unique and comprehensive approach to developing and executing regulatory strategy.

About ScottMadden, Inc.

ScottMadden is the management consulting firm that does what it takes to get it done right. Our practice areas include Energy, Clean Tech & Sustainability, Corporate & Shared Services, Grid Transformation, and Rates, Regulation, & Planning. We deliver a broad array of consulting services ranging from strategic planning through implementation across many industries, business units, and functions. To learn more, visit | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


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