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ScottMadden to Examine New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision: Operationalizing the Ongoing Initiative

September 21, 2017

ScottMadden, Inc., one of North America’s leading energy consulting firms, will soon join top experts as a sponsor and presenter at the Greentech Media New York Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) Future conference being held September 26–27 in Brooklyn, NY. This event brings together key stakeholders, technology providers, utilities, and state policy makers to discuss current market issues surrounding NY REV.

During this event, Josh Kmiec, manager at ScottMadden, will serve as a panelist for the session, “Exporting REV: If You Can Make It Here, You Can Make It Anywhere.” This panel will explore which innovations happening in New York are being watched by other state regulators and utilities. The discussion will examine which REV goals are ripe for replication beyond the Empire State, and also what might not work beyond New York’s unique market. Additional panelists will include Rory Christian of Environmental Defense Fund, Adam Penque of Direct Energy, and Dwight Scruggs of Allconnect.

“REV lays out an ambitious road map to fundamentally change the utility business model, and the results of that vision can be seen on a daily basis in New York,” said Mr. Kmiec. “However, an interesting question we tend to receive from our utility clients in other states is, ‘How could what’s happening in New York apply to me?’ Beyond the standard lessons learned, one thing REV provides is a blueprint for market-driven approaches to a number of initiatives, such as demonstration projects, non-wires alternatives, community solar, etc., and that could certainly aid regulators and utilities as they embark on similar reforms. REV offers an alternative vision to mandates and directive pilots to better integrate DER.”

“It’s a time of significant change within the utility industry, and ScottMadden’s deep experience with REV and grid transformation positions the firm to help utilities in other states successfully navigate the fundamental changes they are facing in a coordinated, deliberate, and effective manner,” added Mr. Kmiec. “We take pride in helping utilities overcome the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities presented by distributed energy resources and the shifting utility landscape, whether it be on a piecemeal basis or more holistically as in New York.”

About ScottMadden’s Grid Transformation Practice

For more than 30 years, ScottMadden has helped our clients transform the way they operate, plan, and maintain the grid and interact with their customers. The Grid Transformation practice focuses on helping clients adapt to the myriad changes driven by the increasing penetration of distributed energy resources, such as distributed generation, storage, demand response, and microgrids. We help our clients choose the path that meets their reliability, customer, and regulatory goals, and then we help them implement it.

About ScottMadden, Inc.

ScottMadden is the management consulting firm that does what it takes to get it done right. Our practice areas include Energy, Clean Tech & Sustainability, Corporate & Shared Services, Grid Transformation, and Rates, Regulation, & Planning. We deliver a broad array of consulting services ranging from strategic planning through implementation across many industries, business units, and functions. To learn more, visit | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


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Mary Tew


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