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Expert Witness Testimony

As regulatory proceedings become increasingly complex, contested issues become more complicated, and more consequential. Issues become inter-related, requiring clear, compelling, and rigorous expert testimony and support throughout the rate filing process.

ScottMadden is a trusted source of strategy development and expert testimony in all areas of regulatory proceedings. Our team has provided expert witness testimony, primary testimony support, and expert reports on behalf of natural gas, electric, and water utilities at the federal, state, provincial, and municipal levels. Our team has been engaged in more than 350 proceedings before utility commissions or agencies in 43 states, at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), and in several Canadian provinces. Our testimonies and reports have addressed or supported revenue requirements, cost of service studies, rate design, cash working capital, cost of capital and capital structure, fair value of rate base, alternative rate mechanisms, annual mechanisms, formula rate plans, demand forecasting, resource planning, gas supply planning and procurement, and performance benchmarking.

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