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ScottMadden recently released a summary of the 51st State Phase II Roadmap submitted to The Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA).

SEPA introduced the 51st State Initiative to create an ongoing, safe platform for experts and industry leaders to present, sound out, and provide feedback on direction and innovation to support utility sector evolution in the face of growing adoption of distributed energy resources (DER).

The objective of Phase I was to identify equitable business models and integrated grid structures to successfully incorporate solar, storage, demand response, and other DER. In Phase II, roadmaps were submitted by a number of industry leaders to show how we might get from “here” to “there.”

ScottMadden’s Roadmap offers a framework for how DER assets can be deployed at high penetrations without creating an entirely new construct for the electric industry. Instead, the Roadmap proposes leveraging the natural advantages of the electric utility in order to accelerate the deployment and penetration of DER assets to benefit customers.

Click here to review our full Phase II Roadmap or here to access all Phase II Roadmap submissions.

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